Direcţia Economică asigură buna funcţionare a întregului sistem de servicii sociale denumit Direcţia Generală de Asistenţă Socială şi Protecţia Copilului sector 6.
Este motorul financiar al instituţiei şi are importanta misiune de a susţine material atât serviciile sociale oferite de DGASPC Sector 6 care includ sprijin pentru toate categoriile de persoane defavorizate din sector, cât şi structura funcţională a instituţiei reprezentată de latura resurselor umane şi de logistica materială.
The Economic Department ensures the well function of the whole social services system, also known as The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection of Bucharest’s 6th District.
The Economic Department is the financial engine of our institution and its role is to not only financially support the social services offered by DGASPC6, which include support for all categories of underprivileged persons within the 6th District area, but it also supports the functional structure of the institution represented by the human resources and logistics departments.